Eighty six four hundred seconds

Gotta tell them that we love them while we've got the chance to say,

A rainbow in the dark

; Wednesday, July 16, 2014

"The best kind of love is one that is insane and slightly deprived."


So, back from a centuary-long hiatus and would be flying off on yet another one right after this with a heart full of love writing the next page of my life story. Life has been as normal these few days with me dancing on sun rays and singing with raindrops, smiling as memories are weaved from day break to star-rise. There has been an increase in frowns and disapproval and slouches around the couch recently though that has left me feeling quite frustrated. Plus a strange yearning for new fragrances in my life. Oh well.

I am growing up after all.

I love you, and goodbye :)

There was an old woman, who lived in a shoe,

; Tuesday, August 27, 2013

"...But with this beast inside, there's nowhere we can hide,"
-Demons by Imagine Dragons

Come, to where the teardrops flow;
Through the rivers beneath the snow.
Slip through the slides that spring creates
Through mountain valleys and the horses' gaits

Come to where all the fairies meet
Through the corsets of Alpine street.
Twisting, turning that tuft of hair,
Whatever that's left
Is nothing but Bare.

Scamper through the sleekest winks
Through the sleepers
The reapers,
Where the creepers reek

Until breaths bestow no life upon you,
Until death snatches and kisses you.

Had this on my phone for quite some time :)

Had an impromptu movie session last week, catching Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. I guess it was ok? The front part of if was a drag and I could only remember thinking about how difficult it is to screen an introduction of characters in a way that everybody understood. It's like the little show-and-tell thing that we all did on we were wee kids, just that on the screen, you have to do it for a dozen people or things at a time. Pretty cool eh? The rest of the movie had really nice a decent action with the usual romance, fighting scenes and disgusting looking demons. All a little cliche-d but on the overall, it turned out well :)

Re-vamped the backgrounds a little and there this time. Well, enough of this min rant. It's almost time to scrub off some grime and hit that haystack of books and paper again. See you till then!

P.S. Sorry Ona-chan if this ain't a quality post xD

I wonder which book in my library should I start on first? :)